After a brief hiatus, I'm back with another round of Three Things Thursday. This week's three things are totally random, mainly because I have a lot going on in the ol' noggin right now. I can't keep my own thoughts straight long enough to think coherently for longer than five minutes at a stretch. So, here you go:
1) I recently posted my query up for critique on AgentQueryConnect, the site I used last year where I got a ton of suggestions and comments from some very helpful peeps. It's been posted for a couple days, and as you'll see here, I've already posted my first revision based on some feedback. Now I'm just waiting for more. If you're curious to see how it develops, keep checking back over the next week or so.
2) I'm falling behind a little in the 2012 Goodreads Reading Challenge. Sad face. I'm currently 5% behind, or 3 books behind, if I want to get to my goal of reading 75 books for the year. That's not too bad, but it's still stressing me out a bit. Even though it's totally just an arbitrary number I assigned to myself, now that I've set it I don't want to end up disappointed. I'm sure I'll catch back up at some point- if we go on vacation, I usually go through at least 3 books during that week. If you're curious, right now I'm reading the HILARIOUS Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty. I'm on book two, Second Helpings, after flying through book one, Sloppy Firsts, last week. I needed something a bit more lighthearted after reading several "serious" novels, and this series is perfect. I've laughed out loud several times, including a huge snort yesterday when Jessica talked about her friend tripping this one guy and then kicking him "in the teabags". Bahhh.
3) So, in early November I decided it would be a good idea to cut bangs. I've enjoyed them for the past 3 months or so, but now it's time to start the growing out process. I thought I might start to document said process here, totally stealing the idea from Heather Armstrong of, who is also posting random pics of her hair-growing-out process. We'll call today Day One, even though I technically decided two days ago that it was time to start growing them. Here's how they look today:
Not the most flattering of pics, but you get the idea.
And that will conclude this Thursday's blog...the weekend is almost here, kids!
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