Monday, March 12, 2012

fatty fat fatty

This weekend, my sister in law and I had a grand ol' time shopping, drinking margaritas and just hanging out together.  The good news?  I scored 7 books on my to-read list at Half Priced Books, my favorite store on the planet.  They practically had to kick us out at closing time.  The bad news?  We did a bit of clothes shopping, too, and while trying a few things on I realized I have to face facts: I've gone up at least a pant size.  This does, however, explain why all my current clothes feel like they're squeezing the freaking life out of me.  Sigh.  What happened to my super fast metabolism??  It seems like with each passing day it slows down more and more.  Getting. Old. Sucks. 

However, I felt so awful about this discovery that it actually kicked me into gear and yesterday, after a loooong day I made up my mind to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather by going on a nice run/walk around my 'hood.  I still can't run consecutively for any great length of time, but I walked fast and kept setting little goals for myself, like "Ok, as soon as I get to this driveway, I'll run all the way down this road til I get to the parked car" and so on.  I ended up being out for just under a half an hour, burned almost 300 calories and went 2.15 miles. 

And I felt so much better when I got home.

I mean, sure, the aches were already setting in by the time I got out of the shower (damn hills in my neighborhood are deadly) but I was just so proud of myself for going out and being active.  Especially when all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch and relax, maybe nap off some of the margaritas from the night before.  Now I just need to keep this mindframe going.  If I can hit the gym at least twice a week, and maybe start up a spinning or zumba class too, I'm confident I can shed a few pounds and tighten back up in just a couple months.  After all, summer is coming!  And with any luck we'll be enjoying the beach in the Outer Banks at the end of July.  I'd prefer to not be forced to wear a muumuu down there, too.

In writing news, I still have those last final pages to write.  But I have been working on my query letter nonstop for the past week, thanks tosome wonderful critiques from the folks at  It's come a long way already from the original version, and I think I'm jussssst about there.  After this latest revision I'll probably take a little time to step back from it so I can view it with fresher eyes later.  But I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made with it.  Getting criticism from people who haven't read the story helps so much, you don't even know.  I'm way too close to it and everything seems important to leave in.  It's nice to get that kick that says "hey dummy, why is this here?"  Ok, they're a bit nicer than that, but you know what I mean.

I'm excited for my Friday off this week, when I plan on writing that damn ending already and hopefully starting revisions, too.  I have so many ideas to implement, it's crazy.  Super excited to share this story again with my readers when it's revised.  Smiley face.