Friday, January 13, 2012

Three Things Thursday...on Friday.

I had a good idea for my Three Things Thursday post yesterday, but alas, I had not a single free minute to write it.  So, today I bring you the delayed edition.  I'm sure my legions of readers were anxiously awaiting this post, so I apologize for the lateness.  Heh.

Anyway, as I plug along with the WIP, I've been contemplating titles for it like crazy.  I came up with In My Mind's Eye for my first one pretty quickly, probably about halfway into the story if not sooner.  This one, however, not so much.  I have a list of choices, and I would like to get some opinions.  Which titles would catch your eye at a bookstore?  Would any of these and make you go, hmmmm, this looks interesting, I should totally buy it?? 

1) Now and Then - This was the original title I had in mind back when I first started writing the story.  Because of how the story has evolved, it doesn't quite fit as well as it used to.  But it's still a possibility.

2) The Past of Us - I really liked this one when I thought of it. Like, a lot.  And it's totally fitting.  Hoooooowever, then I heard of a book by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler called The Future of Us.  Doh.  Eerily similar, no?  (And I totally want to read that book, btw.  Sounds awesome!)

3) After the Dream - This is the latest title I've come up with.  I actually just wrote it in a sentence a couple days ago and it stuck out at me like a flashing red light.  The story centers a lot around a recurring dream Riley (the male MC) has, so it could totally work. 

So, which of these (if any) would make you want to take a closer look, read the back cover and see what the heck this book is about? 

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