Thursday, September 22, 2011

a good problem

I simply cannot write the WIP fast enough. Seriously. And I just don't have enough time in the day to spend writing it. It's killing me a little bit because it's sort of all I can think about right now. I have notes going about things I want to add or change or develop more, and I'm just constantly thinking about this story. Like, seriously, constantly. I think about it as I fall asleep at night, when I'm blow-drying my hair or brushing my teeth. When I'm at work trying to concentrate on, well, work. It's like Anna is starting to haunt my dreams the same way she's haunting Riley's (my readers will know what that means, heh).

This story is so much more complex than IMME. I feel, anyway. I'm really focusing on developing my character's voices as well as the setting. The characters have more layers to them, more troubles, more doubts and fears. Also, the historical aspects, while pretty minor at this point, take a bit of researching which I barely had to do for IMME. If at all.

Last night I only meant to write a couple pages. I planned on writing for an hour, stopping at reasonable time, calling my mom and then relaxing with Dan and the new Modern Family episodes. Except the problem with this story is that I just CANNOT STOP WRITING. I suppose it's a good problem to have, but it's starting to seriously cut into my time at home. I feel like I'm neglecting Dan, like, a lot. I ended up writing for two hours last night, finishing a chapter completely. After about an hour and fifteen minutes, I was about to shut it down, but I was SO CLOSE to finishing the chapter, and I knew exactly how I wanted it to end, so I just figured I should keep going. So keep going I did. I'm already over 2500 words for the week, just between yesterday and Tuesday night.

I will make it up to Dan this weekend. Sunday is our second anniversary (already!) so we're going to have a nice fancy schmancy dinner out on the town on Saturday, then Sunday we'll have a lovely meal at home. My plan is to spend a little time writing on Saturday morning, then trying to keep the lap top put away the rest of the weekend so we can focus on "our" time. We'll see how that goes, if I can keep Ella and Riley and Anna away for a day or two...


  1. can you send me more yet? i'm so anxious to know what's going on!!

    i hope you have fun this weekend!

  2. You would read what I've written so far since the last time in about twenty minutes, tops. Let me get a little further- like when I'm around 50K words. :o) I'm glad you're pysched to read it though!
