Monday, September 19, 2011

The case of the missing flash drive

Before I get to this post, my word count stats for the week:

Total Words Written: 3,467
Total Hours Spent Writing: 5*
Total Word Count Overall: 36,082

*Part of this time was spent creating a family tree that spans six generations for my main male character, Riley. That's a lotta dates, people. I think it makes sense now the way I have it...I think. I always meant for this story to have some historical aspects to it, but sometimes I feel like I'm getting in way over my head. It's turning into a paranormal/historical/mystery/romance young adult novel. Go figure. But I have to say, it is SO MUCH FUN to write. There's so much I still need to get to, so many ideas I still have, so many twists and turns to create. I hope it's as fun to read as it has been to write it. ;o)

So, many of my Facebook friends already know that I seemed to have misplaced my flash drive last week. Yes, THE flash drive. The one with over a year's worth of writing, including multiple drafts of IMME, outlines & the first, unfinished draft of the WIP, research on literary agents and my query tracking list. YEAH. Go me! Thankfully, I have everything backed up on my laptop, but still. I have looked EVERYFREAKINGWHERE for it, too. I've looked in the couch cushions and under furniture. I went through the trash cans in our kitchen- twice. I've ransacked drawers and emptied my purse out about five times, hoping it will magically reappear. I'm at a complete loss. I remember using it last Tuesday night, and I swear I put it back in my purse as I always do, but when I went to get it Wednesday night it was not there. Poof! Disappeared into thin air. But I am convinced it has to be in my house somewhere. IT HAS TO BE.

I've now purchased a new flash drive, so I'm really hoping the old one will show up at some point now that I've taken the new one out of its package. Sometimes Murphy's Law needs a little nudge, right?

RIP, trusty old flash drive...wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. you're kind of a dork! :oP

    cant wait to read new stuff!!! send to me!
