Monday, November 21, 2011


Despite a pretty massive hangover yesterday from a super fun night out Saturday, I actually managed to finish my revisions!  I know, hallefreakinglujah, right??  Now I can finally move on with the story!!  I actually did just that yesterday, too, although I only wrote about 500 words or so.  But I'm over 50K words now!  Progress is good, yes indeed.

I'm thinking when the book is done it's going to be a bit longer than 80k...and I'm saying that because I feel like there's still a lot more I need to get into.  I feel like I've only scratched the surface of the story so far, but who knows.  Maybe the second half will wrap itself up a bit quicker than I think it will.  I know the direction I'm going in in general, but to be honest, I'm never quite sure what's going to happen when I sit down to write.  I guess I'd rather have "too many" words than not enough, although cutting stuff out is going to be difficult!  But I think I can already sense some of the stuff that will have to, we'll see.

Happy Monday!  It's a short week, HOORAY!

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