Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Tomorrow, kids. Tomorrow is the day. The first day of the rest of my life.

Well, hopefully, anyway.

Tomorrow is submission day! I'm off work, so I plan on sending out 3-5 queries. I have my favorite agents picked out for the most part, so I'll start with them. These are agents I feel a connection with through their blogs or the other authors they represent, so it would be a dream come true to have them represent me. And I'm starting small- like I said, only sending out 5 at the most. A lot of agents recommend this- that way, you can tell if your query is "working". If I keep getting rejection after rejection, my query needs to be revised. If I get some requests for partials or fulls, but then still end up getting rejected, it could be the story itself that isn't working.

I'm very nervous to finally start this process, to put myself out there for reals. It's a scary feeling! But also an exciting one. You never know what could happen, right? All it takes is for one agent to connect with my story, or to at least think it has potential.

After I send out the queries I'm going to do my best to stay busy tomorrow, so as to not check my email every 5 minutes hoping for a response. I know it's going to take a while- anywhere from 2 to weeks to 2 months. So there's no point in frantically signing into Gmail every hour. Even though I'm pretty sure I will anyway. But since I'm off, I plan on doing a bit of spring cleaning to take my mind off everything. Is it sad that I'm actually looking forward to cleaning out my closets? I love purging stuff. Makes room for new stuff. ;o) And then, of course, it's VV night at Karyn's. So I should be able to stay sufficiently occupied for most of the day.

I also wanted to take a second to say thanks for reading my blog! The more followers I have, the better I'll look to an agent. Like, ooh, people already like to read her stuff! It means a lot to me that you guys take a few minutes to read my ramblings!

Today's thing that makes me happy: DAYS OFF WORK. Here's to my mini spring break!


  1. So, so excited for you!! We will toast to you tomorrow night!!!! xoxo

  2. Ich Liebe Dich!
    (guess who!)

  3. Oooh, do I have a secret admirer?? ;o)
