Tuesday, January 4, 2011

If I Had $876,000

So I had a dream last night that I won $876,000. I can't remember exactly how I won it; I just remember that the prizes were $1000, a day at the spa, or $876,000. Random, eh? But yea, I won the big prize. I was SO HAPPY, you guys. Considering all my debts- my home, my car, my credit cards, everything I have was going to be paid for with some leftover to keep in the bank...sigh. What a dream. I kind of wanted to cry when my alarm went off, even though I'm pretty sure subconsciously I still knew it was a dream. I never win anything.

I'm truly trying to be positive about 2011. This WILL be my year to win, dammit. I mean, I'm totally realistic here. I know that even if my book does end up getting published, it's not a get rich quick-type of thing. People don't generally write to become millionaires. I mean, of course I wouldn't turn down a huge advance or anything, but money is definitely not the whole reason why I'm trying to make writing novels my career. I'm writing because I want to; because I have stories to tell. Because I like rereading the words I just put down and feeling proud of what I've written. And it's an amazing feeling when people read what I wrote and tell me something stuck with them.

The winning part for me would be getting representation from an awesome agent and ulitmately getting my book published. That will mean more to me than $876,000.

Now if you excuse me, I have to go get that Barenaked Ladies song about having a million dollars out of my head.

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