Monday, August 29, 2011

the struggle

Not gonna lie, last week was a little tougher than the past few:

Total Words Written: 2,679
Total Hours Spent Writing: 4
Total Word Count Overall: 23,772

Hey, at least I was over my goal of 2K though, right? But still a bit under that 3K mark that I've been hitting without any problem for the past several weeks. I'm not sure if that's because I'm getting into the "meat" of the story now and it's getting a little tougher to crank out words quickly, or if I just flat out wasn't feeling it this week. I had Friday night to myself, and I'd really planned on having a super productive writing night. I should've had a super productive writing night. Instead, I found myself staring at the TV, my eyes glazing over while watching several episodes of Say Yes to the Dress, my laptop humming sadly as I ignored it in my lap.

I guess that'll happen sometimes.

I did get a couple pages written that night, but the words just weren't flowing the way they have been. At least I was more productive again yesterday. Sundays seem to be my best writing days by far, probably because I don't feel so guilty for ignoring all the other things I should be doing instead. Or, I get all my chores done early in the day so I can take a couple hours to write in the afternoon/evening.

Luckily, I have a nice looooong weekend ahead of me. I have Thursday and Friday off, so you better believe I plan on spending a good chunk of time both of those days hunkered down in front of my laptop. Well, after I allow myself some time to relax and catch up on 87 DVR'ed episodes of Days of our Lives, anyway...ahem. Anyway, I'm going to challenge myself this week to get out of the slump from last week. Word count goal for the week: 3500 words. Dun dun dun!! Can she do it??

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