...eat yummy food, drink wine, and watch hot vampires! All of that = FUN. Well, I mean, at least that's what some of MY dear friends and I really, really enjoy doing. I've mentioned my love of The Vampire Diaries
here before, and now that the season is back in session after the holiday hiatus we're back to our usual Thursday night shenanigans over at Karyn's apartment. In fact, we never really took a hiatus ourselves. While TVD was on break we watched the first season and some of the second season of True Blood, and we're completely addicted to that show as well. Tonight I'm hosting a girls night at my place so we can catch up on more True Blood season 2 episodes, and, of course, eat a ton of food and drink a ton of wine.
I look forward to Thursdays every single week. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and spending time with him is awesome too, but there's just nothing like being in a room with a few of your wonderful friends and squealing like a 15 year old over shirtless boys on TV without anyone judging you. I'm so glad we started this little tradition, and I hope we continue it indefinitely. Even if TVD goes off the air and we have to find another show with hot boys to fill the void. I just hope whatever show that is also has Ian Somerhalder on it.
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