Friday, October 14, 2011

Ain't Happenin'

I already have a sneaky feeling I won't be hitting my word count goal for the week, you guys.  Like, unless I manage to cram in some time to write tonight, it ain't happening.  And, well...I don't know.  It's been a really crazy, busy week at work, and there's been a lot going on socially, and I'm just tired.  I need a night to rest my noggin, I think.  Some time to just be numb and stare at the TV like a zombie.  Or catch up on some reading.  Although, I would like to finish the chapter I started writing earlier this week...

I do think, however, that once I do finish said chapter I might actually take like, a whole week or so off from the WIP.  It's been going well, don't get me wrong, but I'm now past the halfway point and I think I need a little time to sit and gather my thoughts on where the heck this story is really going.  When I first started writing it, I had a much different idea about how all the events would play out.  But as per yoosh, it took on a life of its own the more I wrote.  Now, though, I'm starting to confuse myself about where I even want it to go.  Maybe a few days off to ponder and write ideas down would be better than actually just plugging away aimlessly?  I don't know...I'm not a professional (yet, ahem), so if any writers actually read this blog, I would love to hear about your writing process for situations like this.  How do you take a step back and regroup, without starting to revise before the story is even complete?

Anyway.  It's my birthday weekend, and once again we're heading out to the wineries tomorrow for some good times.  I can't wait to see everyone!  Wine + Friends + Quality Hangout Time = Happy, Happy Josie

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